Teacher Goal Setting Part 1: Organization
When I think of goals, I often think of lofty ideas that start off well-meaning yet peter out 1-2 weeks after I set the goal. As a teacher it was easy to set goals over the summer, when I was … Continued
When I think of goals, I often think of lofty ideas that start off well-meaning yet peter out 1-2 weeks after I set the goal. As a teacher it was easy to set goals over the summer, when I was … Continued
I had planned to teach high school social studies. In 2014, I was 24 and had recently completed my master’s in secondary education. I did my student teaching in an 11th grade American History classroom. I was young and daunted … Continued
“As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.” Proverbs 27:19 The ability to reflect on our practices as teachers is invaluable. This is the process by which we identify strengths and areas of growth. As educators, especially … Continued
Like most teachers, the final class before summer signals a belly-deep sigh of relief. 9 months, 8-10 hours a day, 5-6 days a week, and hundreds of students and families is draining, especially for more introverted teachers, like me. I’ve … Continued