A Class List Prayer for All Teachers

As the morning light starts taking longer to hit my window, I’m reminded that school is just around the corner and I’ll be receiving my class list very soon. There are equal amounts of excitement and anxiety in my heart as I think about whose names I’ll see, those I know (with or without reputations from previous grades) and those who are new to our school community.

The anticipation goes beyond putting a face to the name; it is a much deeper and holier occupation. These names are connected to eternal souls that have been purposely created and placed into our classrooms this year. It is a weighty gift we’ve been given.


As you begin receiving class lists and the inevitable excitement and anxiety come creeping into your heart, be encouraged to pray for your heart and the hearts of those God is inviting you to disciple this year.


The Class List Prayer

Oh, gracious Lord, You have created everything. From the most microscopic creature to the gigantic animals living in the depths of the ocean. Yet, you have chosen us as your crowning glory, Your most beloved act of creation. The children on my class list are included in that, and my own heart needs to be reminded of that day by day. I thank you for the names I recognize, siblings of students I’ve had, or students I’ve walked alongside in previous years. I thank you for the students who come with a more difficult reputation that makes my heart anxious. Holy Spirit, please work in my own heart and reframe the way I view the children You’ve created. Would You begin working in their hearts and softening them as we seek to build a classroom family? Thank you that we get to be a Gospel-centered community that offers grace, truth in love, and discipling of hearts because You are truth. Thank you for the students on this list and those that will join us later in the year. 
