About Us

Branching Out Educational Consultants provides high quality professional development for Christian school administrators and teachers through highly focused workshops, one-on-one coaching opportunities and administrative consulting.
“Branching Out teacher training has most likely been the single most influential factor in transforming our professional school culture. Branching Out has changed our professional language, created a culture of professional collaboration, equipped our teachers for success and has given me great confidence regarding what is going on in our classrooms. I obviously HIGHLY recommend Branching Out!”
— Principal of Desert Christian Schools K-8
“I would like to say that EEI is, in my experience, still the best methods course I have taken. I just finished a Children's Literature course through a local university for my most recent re-certification. Not to say I didn't learn anything, but as far as value in the classroom, EEI certainly outshines the rest. Thanks for all your work and dedication to education equipping teachers. I would not be as effective in the classroom if it wasn't for EEI.”
—Teacher at Trinity Christian School